德里环境部长要求云层播种以对抗严重的空气污染。 Delhi's Environment Minister requests cloud seeding to combat critical air pollution levels.
德里环境部长Gopal Rai已要求中央政府批准云播种为紧急措施, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai has requested the central government to approve cloud seeding as an emergency measure to combat the city's severe air pollution. 尽管根据《分级反应行动计划》执行了严格的措施,德里空气质量指数已达到关键水平。 Despite implementing strict measures under the Graded Response Action Plan, Delhi's Air Quality Index has reached critical levels. Rai呼吁召开紧急会议,讨论人工雨的可行性,以帮助减少污染。 Rai has called for an urgent meeting to discuss the feasibility of artificial rain to help reduce pollution.