河内已成为世界上污染最严重的城市,其PM2.5水平比卫生组织准则高出15倍。 Hanoi becomes world's most polluted city with PM2.5 levels 15 times above WHO guidelines.
越南首府河内最近被命名为世界上最受污染的城市, Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, was recently named the world's most polluted city, with PM2.5 levels 15 times higher than WHO recommendations. 影响900万居民的烟雾是由于建筑、车辆排放和工业活动造成的。 The smog, affecting nine million residents, is due to construction, vehicle emissions, and industrial activities. 随着3月份季风季节的到来,空气质量可以改善。 Air quality could improve with the arrival of the monsoon season in March. 当局正在考虑增加电动车辆的使用,以对付污染。 Authorities are considering increasing electric vehicle usage to combat pollution.