Eowyn风暴取消了1 000多个航班,影响到英国和爱尔兰的15万乘客。 Storm Eowyn canceled over 1,000 flights, impacting 150,000 passengers in the UK and Ireland.
Eowyn风暴导致1 000多次航班取消,影响到联合王国和爱尔兰的约150 000名乘客。 Storm Eowyn led to over 1,000 flight cancellations affecting around 150,000 passengers in the UK and Ireland. 5个航班中有1个被取消,都柏林、爱丁堡、希思罗和格拉斯哥机场受影响最大。 One in five flights were cancelled, with Dublin, Edinburgh, Heathrow, and Glasgow airports the most impacted. 乘客面临长时间的延误,一些航班返回其出发点。 Passengers faced long delays and some flights returned to their points of departure. Ryanair道歉,把干扰归咎于他们无法控制的因素。 Ryanair apologized, attributing the disruptions to factors beyond their control.