新西兰Waihit的警察寻找有关入室盗窃的资料,该入室盗窃产生了服务奖章、工具和珠宝。 Police in Waihī, New Zealand, seek info on a burglary that yielded service medals, tools, and jewelry.
新西兰Waihit的警察寻找关于一次盗窃案的信息,七枚有价值的服务奖章和诸如电力工具和珠宝之类的物品被盗。 Police in Waihī, New Zealand, seek information on a burglary where seven valuable service medals and items like power tools and jewelry were stolen. 盗窃案发生在星期天下午6时至星期一下午2时之间, The theft occurred between 6 pm Sunday and 2 pm Monday from Trig Road North. 警方敦促任何发现可疑活动的人报告此事,包括提供闭路电视或破摄像头录像。 Police urge anyone noticing suspicious activity to report it, including providing CCTV or dashcam footage. 信息可在网上、Waihi警察派出所或通过犯罪制止者提供。 Information can be given online, at the Waihī Police Station, or through Crime Stoppers.