研究发现,单靠海洋冰崖的不稳定不会导致南极洲的斯威茨冰川迅速撤退。 Study finds marine ice cliff instability alone would not cause rapid retreat of Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier.
一项新的研究挑战了先前的预测,即南极洲的硫化冰川(通常被称为“末日冰川”)可能由于海洋冰崖不稳定而迅速崩溃。 A new study challenges previous predictions that Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier, often referred to as the "Doomsday Glacier," could rapidly collapse due to marine ice cliff instability. 相反,研究显示,如果整个冰架今天要崩溃,单靠海洋冰悬崖不稳定不会导致内陆迅速退缩。 Instead, the study suggest that if the entire ice shelf were to collapse today, marine ice cliff instability alone would not cause a rapid retreat inland. 虽然冰川已经促成每年海平面上升约4%,但调查结果并不意味着冰川稳定,而是突出表明需要不断监测和研究,因为冰洋相互作用和洋流变暖等其他过程也助长了冰川的退缩和南极冰原的不稳定。 While the glacier is already contributing to about 4% of annual sea-level rise, the findings do not mean the glacier is stable, but rather highlight the need for continuous monitoring and research, as other processes like ice-ocean interactions and warming ocean currents also contribute to the glacier's retreat and the instability of the Antarctic ice sheet.