2 英国南极遗产信托基金小组前往南极,为期5个月,监测根都企鹅,管理邮局和博物馆,并在Blaiklock岛庇护所进行修理。 2 UK Antarctic Heritage Trust teams head to Antarctica for 5 months to monitor gentoo penguins, manage post office and museum, and conduct repairs at Blaiklock Island Refuge.
英国南极遗产信托基金正在向南极派遣两个小组,管理古迪尔岛洛克罗伊港和Blaiklock岛保护区的基地。 The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust is dispatching two teams to Antarctica, managing bases at Port Lockroy on Goudier Island and Blaiklock Island Refuge. 在五个多月的时间里,他们将监测根都企鹅,管理世界最南端的邮局和博物馆,并在Blaiklock进行紧急修理。 Over five months, they will monitor gentoo penguins, manage the world's southernmost post office and museum, and conduct urgent repairs at Blaiklock. 这些小组装备条件恶劣,没有自来水或冲洗厕所,将开展工作,有助于保护英属南极遗产。 The teams, equipped for harsh conditions, will work without running water or flushing toilets, contributing to the conservation of British Antarctic heritage.