芝加哥有四个十几岁的人 在用弓箭砍死一只野狼之后 面临指控 Four teens in Chicago face charges after killing a coyote with a bow and arrow and stomping it.
芝加哥格林伍德山地区的四名青少年被指控 以弓箭杀死一只野狼 并于1月11日将其踩死 Four teenagers in Chicago's Mount Greenwood area are charged for killing a coyote with a bow and arrow and then stomping it to death on January 11. 16和17岁的青少年面临多重指控,包括不受监督的非法狩猎和私人财产。 The teens, ages 16 and 17, face multiple charges including unlawful hunting without supervision and on private property. 这起事件震惊了邻居, 青少年将在二月底出庭。 The incident shocked neighbors, and the teens are set to appear in court in late February.