一名5岁男孩在除夕夜在华盛顿的Renton被土狼咬,他的母亲也介入其中。 A five-year-old boy was bitten by a coyote in Renton, Washington, on New Year's Eve, with his mother intervening.
在华盛顿Renton的Mamelewood高地,一名5岁的男孩在新年前夕遭到一个土狼的袭击,在母亲干预前受了轻伤。 A five-year-old boy in Maplewood Heights, Renton, Washington, was attacked by a coyote on New Year's Eve, suffering minor injuries before his mother intervened. 土狼咬了男孩,并试图拖走他,但当野生生物官员抵达时逃走了。 The coyote bit the boy and attempted to drag him but fled when wildlife officers arrived. 渔业和野生动物部门警告居民要谨慎, The Department of Fish and Wildlife warned residents to be cautious and report sightings to help track coyote behavior. 这名男孩接受了医疗治疗和狂犬病疫苗。 The boy received medical treatment and a rabies vaccine.