科罗拉多州有两名男子被控射杀牛,其中一人面临长达16年的监禁。 Two Colorado men are charged for shooting cattle, with one facing up to 16 years in prison.
来自科罗拉多州三角洲的两名青年男子 被控在蒙特罗斯县枪击三头牛 Two young men from Delta, Colorado, have been charged for shooting three cattle in Montrose County. 19岁的Jevon Vigil, 面临严重指控, 包括两宗四级重罪, 罪名是严重虐待动物, 而20岁的Leeland Hernandez, Jevon Vigil, 19, faces severe charges including two class four felonies for aggravated cruelty to animals, while Leeland Hernandez, 20, is charged with criminal mischief. 这一事件造成重大损坏,包括两头怀孕奶牛死亡,另一头牛受伤。 The incident caused significant damage, including the death of two pregnant cows and injury to another. 维吉尔可能面临的判决包括16年监禁和100万美元的罚款. Vigil's potential sentence includes up to 16 years in prison and fines over $1 million. 这些逮捕是在社区努力之后,在犯罪拦截者和调查人员的帮助下进行的。 The arrests followed a community effort with the help of crime stoppers and investigators.