加拿大律师提出改革建议,以提高法院的可及性、可负担性和技术使用。 Canadian lawyers propose reforms to enhance court access, affordability, and technology use.
加拿大律师协会不列颠哥伦比亚分会发布了其《2025年司法议程》报告,建议进行修改,以提高法院的可及性和可负担性。 The Canadian Bar Association BC Branch has released its Agenda for Justice 2025 report, proposing changes to improve court access and affordability. 主要建议包括扩大对家庭法的法律援助,建立统一家庭法院,加强虚拟听证会,以及改善农村社区获得技术的机会。 Key recommendations include expanding legal aid for family law, creating a Unified Family Court, enhancing virtual hearings, and improving technology access for rural communities. 报告还呼吁更好地收集数据,为2SLGBTQIA+和土著案件提供特别资金,并激励律师到城市以外执业。 The report also calls for better data collection, special funding for 2SLGBTQIA+ and Indigenous cases, and incentives for lawyers to practice outside cities.