菲律宾以珊瑚礁受到破坏为由,就南中国海的环境损害起诉中国。 Philippines to sue China over environmental damage in South China Sea, citing coral reef destruction.
菲律宾计划就中国在南中国海造成的环境损害对中国提起诉讼。 The Philippines plans to file a lawsuit against China for causing environmental damage in the South China Sea. 此前,2016年作出裁定,宣布中国的主权要求无效。 This follows a 2016 ruling that invalidated China's sovereignty claims. 新的案件侧重于对珊瑚礁的损害和菲律宾水域巨蛤的收获,今年很可能在常设仲裁法院或国际法院等地点提出。 The new case, focusing on damage to coral reefs and harvesting of giant clams in Philippine waters, will likely be filed this year at venues like the Permanent Court of Arbitration or the International Court of Justice.