里昂德堡永久关闭休斯顿炼油厂 导致多达400名裁员 LyondellBasell to permanently close Houston refinery, leading to up to 400 layoffs.
Lyondell Ballell工业将于本周末开始永久关闭其休斯顿炼油厂,预计这一进程将在关闭两个月后导致多达400名雇员被解雇。 LyondellBasell Industries will begin the permanent closure of its Houston refinery this weekend, a process expected to lead to up to 400 layoffs two months after the shutdown. 该公司计划在2027年以后转换该场址的水处理器,从回收的物品中生产塑料颗粒。 The company plans to convert the site's hydrotreaters for producing plastic pellets from recycled items after 2027. 这是今年美国两家炼油厂关闭的第一家, 菲利普斯66计划到2025年底关闭洛杉矶炼油厂。 This is the first of two U.S. refinery closures this year, with Phillips 66 planning to shut down its Los Angeles refinery by the end of 2025.