乔·埃克索蒂克 (Joe Exotic) 在"老虎王"中批评特朗普和拜登没有给予他赦免. Joe Exotic, from "Tiger King," criticizes both Trump and Biden for not granting him a pardon.
《虎王》(Tiger King)的主演乔·异国情调(Joe Exotic)批评前总统特朗普和现任总统拜登都没有赦免他。 Joe Exotic, star of "Tiger King," criticized both former President Trump and current President Biden for not pardoning him. 因雇佣杀手杀死竞争对手卡罗尔·巴斯金 (Carole Baskin) 而被判处 22 年徒刑的 Exotic 在社交媒体上表示失望,尽管他的律师声称他有新的证据证明自己是无辜的,但他感到被忽视了。 Serving a 22-year sentence for hiring hitmen to kill his rival Carole Baskin, Exotic expressed disappointment on social media, feeling overlooked for clemency despite his lawyer claiming new evidence of his innocence. 特朗普赦免了其他人,但不赦免Extoic,后者也寻求但没有得到拜登的赦免。 Trump pardoned others but not Exotic, who also sought but did not receive a pardon from Biden.