汇丰银行在启动一年后关闭了全球货币应用程序Zing, 减少了约400个工作。 HSBC is shutting down its global money app, Zing, a year after launch, cutting around 400 jobs.
作为CEO Georges Elhedery牵头的削减成本措施的一部分,汇丰银行正在关闭其全球货币应用软件Zing,在其启动仅仅一年后,作为CEO Georges Elhedery牵头的削减成本措施的一部分。 HSBC is closing its global money app, Zing, just a year after its launch, as part of cost-cutting measures led by CEO Georges Elhedery. 该应用程序旨在与 " 智者 " 和 " 革命者 " 等服务竞争,允许用户持有多种货币并在国际上汇钱。 The app, which aimed to compete with services like Wise and Revolut, allowed users to hold multiple currencies and send money internationally. 关闭可能影响到约400个工作岗位,但汇丰银行计划支持受影响的雇员。 The closure could affect around 400 jobs, but HSBC plans to support affected employees. 该银行正在侧重于具有竞争优势和增长机会的领域。 The bank is focusing on areas with competitive advantages and growth opportunities.