汇丰银行计划在印度大规模扩展,新增20个分行,为该国富人服务。 HSBC plans major expansion in India with 20 new branches to serve the country's affluent.
汇丰银行印度分行获准在主要城市开设20个新分行,为富裕客户提供服务,目的是利用该国不断增长的财富市场。 HSBC India received approval to open 20 new branches in key cities to serve affluent clients, aiming to tap into the country's growing wealth market. 这一扩展标志着外国银行十多年来最大的分行增长。 This expansion marks the largest branch growth for a foreign bank in over a decade. 此举针对高净值个人,旨在加强汇丰银行作为印度富人和全球流动人口首选国际银行的地位。 The move targets high-net-worth individuals and aims to strengthen HSBC's position as a preferred international bank for India's wealthy and globally mobile population.