日本预计2025年将有4 020万游客, 受日元疲软及大阪世界博览会的推动, Japan anticipates 40.2 million tourists in 2025, fueled by the weak yen and Osaka's World Expo.
2025年,日本预期有4 020万游客在日元疲软和大阪世界博览会的推动下,增加旅馆、百货商店和纪念品店的利润。 In 2025, Japan expects 40.2 million tourists, driven by a weak yen and the Osaka World Expo, boosting profits for hotels, department stores, and souvenir shops. 预计博览会将吸引350万海外游客,产生将近2 000亿日元的支出。 The Expo is projected to attract 3.5 million overseas visitors, generating nearly 200 billion yen in spending. 然而,如果日元由于日本银行可能提高利率而得到加强,与旅游业有关的股票可能面临挑战。 However, tourism-related stocks could face challenges if the yen strengthens due to potential interest rate hikes by the Bank of Japan.