苹果的iPhone在中国的销售量暴跌, 公司跌到瓦威后面的第三位。 Apple's iPhone sales in China plummeted, dropping the company to third place behind Huawei.
中国苹果的iPhone销售量在12月季度下降了18.2%,将公司推向市场第三位。 Apple's iPhone sales in China dropped by 18.2% in the December quarter, pushing the company to third place in the market. 华为的销售额超过了苹果,受益于新产品的发布。 Huawei overtook Apple in sales, benefiting from new product launches. 这一下降促成了节日期间iPhone销售量全球下降5%。 This decline contributed to a 5% global drop in iPhone sales during the holiday period. 苹果在中国面临挑战,原因是其设备缺乏人工智能功能,因为苹果寻求当地伙伴提供人工智能基础设施。 Apple is facing challenges in China due to the lack of AI features in its devices, as it seeks a local partner for AI infrastructure. 由于销售疲软和AI特征接收,导致股票价格下跌,分析人员降低了该股票的评级。 The stock has been downgraded by analysts due to weak sales and AI feature reception, leading to a fall in stock prices.