在中国单人日,智能手机销售下降了9%,苹果下跌了两位数,华威上升了7%。 Smartphone sales fell 9% in China's Singles' Day, with Apple down double digits, Huawei up 7%.
在中国单日购物节期间,智能手机销售量逐年下降9%。 During China's Singles' Day shopping festival, smartphone sales dropped 9% year-on-year. 苹果的iPhone销售量下跌了两位数, Apple's iPhone sales fell by double digits, impacted by an unusually high number of new rival models launched before the event. 由于Pura 70型和Mate 60型的减价,Huawei的销售量增加了7%。 Huawei saw a 7% increase in sales due to price cuts on its Pura 70 and Mate 60 models. 苹果的iPhone 16 Pro 和 16 Pro Max 是最畅销的模型 尽管总体下跌。 Apple's iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max were the best-selling models despite the overall decline.