大众警告说特朗普提议对墨西哥汽车征收25%的关税 可能会损害美国经济。 Volkswagen warns that Trump's proposed 25% tariffs on Mexican cars could hurt the U.S. economy.
大众警告说,特朗普总统提议对墨西哥进口征收25%的关税可能会损害美国经济和汽车工业。 Volkswagen warns that proposed 25% tariffs on Mexican imports by President Trump could harm the U.S. economy and automotive industry. 该公司在墨西哥有一家大型工厂,担心这些可能于2月1日生效的关税可能会提高美国消费者的价格。 The company, which has a major factory in Mexico, fears these tariffs, set to potentially take effect on February 1, could raise prices for American consumers. 众汽车在美国投资超过100亿美元, 担心对其业务和更广泛的市场的影响. Volkswagen has invested over $10 billion in the U.S. and is concerned about the impact on its business and the broader market.