斯特伦博斯大学的报告显示#BackOnTrack计划在南非扭转了大流行期间的学习损失. Stellenbosch University report shows #BackOnTrack program reverses pandemic learning losses in South Africa.
Stellenbosch大学关于南非西开普省#BackOnTrack方案的报告显示,在扭转这一流行病造成的学习损失方面取得了重大成功。 Stellenbosch University's report on the #BackOnTrack program in South Africa's Western Cape shows significant success in reversing learning losses due to the pandemic. 该方案包括额外的周末和节日班以及额外的教师培训。 The program includes extra weekend and holiday classes and additional teacher training. 学生,特别是那些讲南非荷兰语和伊西Xhosa语的学生,仅通过九次学习就获得了多达205个学日的学习。 Learners, especially those speaking Afrikaans and isiXhosa, gained up to 205 school days of learning through just nine sessions. 西开普省教育部将利用这些调查结果加强该方案,特别是在较贫穷的社区。 The Western Cape Education Department will use these findings to enhance the program, particularly in poorer communities.