第三届金砖国家暑期学校由南非主办,旨在加强金砖国家联系,促进相互了解。 3rd BRICS Summer School hosted by South Africa aims to strengthen BRICS connections and foster mutual understanding.
南非举办第三届金砖国家暑期学校,由南非亚洲研究协会和约翰内斯堡大学国际研究生院合作举办。 South Africa hosts the 3rd BRICS Summer School, a collaboration between SABYA and IPATC, University of Johannesburg. 此次活动将持续到 7 月 31 日,旨在加强金砖国家之间的联系,促进经济、文化等领域的交流,并教育金砖国家和全球南方国家的学生、青年和专业人士。 The event, running until July 31, aims to strengthen BRICS connections, stimulate interaction in fields from economics to culture, and educate students, youth, and professionals from BRICS countries and Global South. 该项目不仅具有教育意义,而且还促进了参与国之间的相互理解和合作。 The program is not only educational but also fosters mutual understanding and cooperation among countries involved.