由于持续不断的干旱和气候变化,180多万肯尼亚人面临严重的粮食无保障问题。 Over 1.8 million Kenyans face severe food insecurity due to ongoing drought and climate change.
据国家干旱管理署称,180多万肯尼亚人,特别是在Wajir和Turkana等干旱地区,正在经历严重的粮食不安全。 Over 1.8 million Kenyans, particularly in arid regions like Wajir and Turkana, are experiencing severe food insecurity, according to the National Drought Management Authority. 自2024年11月以来,这一危机一直持续,许多儿童和母亲营养不良情况严重。 This crisis has persisted since November 2024, with high levels of malnutrition affecting numerous children and mothers. 贫穷和疾病加剧了这种状况,气候变化加剧了这些地区的干旱条件。 The situation is exacerbated by poverty and disease, with climate change intensifying the drought conditions in these areas.