联合国报告:非洲之角有6 480万人在气候、冲突等问题中面临粮食无保障问题。 UN report: 64.8 million in Horn of Africa face food insecurity amid climate, conflict issues.
联合国和伊加特的报告显示,非洲之角有6 480万人面临粮食无保障问题,比10月的6 500万人略有下降,这是由于降雨量增加。 Report from the UN and IGAD shows 64.8 million people in the Horn of Africa face food insecurity, a slight drop from 65 million in October due to better rainfall. 导致这一危机的因素包括极端天气、气候变化、冲突和政治动荡。 Factors causing this crisis include extreme weather, climate change, conflicts, and political unrest. 超过2 900万流离失所者使资源进一步紧张。 Over 29 million displaced people further strain resources. 联合国估计需要98亿美元来应付人道主义危机。 The UN estimates $9.8 billion is needed to tackle the humanitarian crisis.