肯尼亚马赛牧民转向养鱼, Kenyan Maasai herders turn to fish farming as drought-stricken grazing land diminishes.
肯尼亚的严重干旱促使马赛牧民寻找替代食物来源,特别是鱼类,因为传统的牛群放牧变得不可持续。 Severe drought in Kenya has prompted Maasai herders to seek alternative food sources, notably fish, as traditional cattle herding becomes unsustainable. 由于气候变化和城市化,数百万牲畜死亡,牧场正在减少。 Millions of livestock have died, and grazing land is diminishing due to climate change and urbanization. Kajiado县政府正在积极支持养鱼项目,使收入多样化,加强复原力,同时一些牧民也转向骆驼抗旱。 The Kajiado county government is actively supporting fish farming projects to diversify income and strengthen resilience, while some herders are also turning to camels for their hardiness in drought conditions.