联合国的一份报告指出,非洲之角有6 500万人口面临粮食无保障问题,需要98亿美元的援助。 A UN report reveals 65 million in the Horn of Africa face food insecurity, needing $9.8 billion in aid.
联合国粮食及农业组织和政府间发展管理局的一份联合报告显示,非洲之角有6 500万人面临粮食无保障问题,比8月的6 600万人略有减少,原因是降雨量改善。 A joint report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development reveals that 65 million people in the Horn of Africa face food insecurity, a slight decrease from 66 million in August due to improved rainfall. 冲突和气候变化是主要促成因素,有2 900多万人流离失所。 Conflict and climate change are key contributors, with over 29 million people displaced. 联合国估计需要98亿美元用于人道主义援助,以解决该区域的这场危机。 The UN estimates $9.8 billion is needed for humanitarian aid to tackle this crisis in the region.