卡勒姆·科尔曼 (Kallum Coleman) 因逃往西班牙以避免在谋杀案审判中作证而被判入狱四个月。 Kallum Coleman jailed for four months for fleeing to Spain to avoid testifying in a murder trial.
24 岁的卡勒姆·科尔曼 (Kallum Coleman) 在逃往西班牙以避免在大律师迪尔穆德·费兰 (Diarmuid Phelan) 的谋杀案审判中作证后,因藐视法庭罪被判入狱四个月,后者因在他的农场谋杀侵入者基思·康伦 (Keith Conlon) 而被判无罪。 Kallum Coleman, 24, was jailed for four months for contempt of court after fleeing to Spain to avoid testifying in the murder trial of barrister Diarmuid Phelan, who was acquitted of murdering trespasser Keith Conlon on his farm. 尽管科尔曼认罪并声称患有创伤后应激障碍,但由于案件的严重性,法官裁定有必要判处监禁。 Despite Coleman's guilty plea and claims of PTSD, the judge ruled that a prison sentence was necessary due to the case's severity. 科尔曼最终在都柏林被警方拘留。 Coleman was eventually detained by police in Dublin.