Cailean Crawford因在2020年枪击中谋杀55岁的Thomas McCarthy被判无期徒刑。 Cailean Crawford sentenced to life for murdering 55-year-old Thomas McCarthy in a 2020 shooting.
Cailean Crawford,28岁,在被判犯有谋杀55岁的祖父Thomas McCarthy的罪行后,被判处终身监禁。 他于2020年7月在都柏林的母亲家中被多枪打死。 Cailean Crawford, 28, has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of murdering Thomas McCarthy, a 55-year-old grandfather, by shooting him multiple times at his mother's home in Dublin in July 2020. Crawford 先前因密谋谋杀另一个罪犯而被定罪 在因谋杀McCarthy而被捕之前 服刑五年 Crawford, previously convicted for conspiring to murder another criminal, served five years before being arrested for McCarthy's murder. 陪审团进行了超过8小时的审议,然后作出一致有罪判决。 The jury deliberated for over eight hours before reaching a unanimous guilty verdict.