HPE调查黑客集团IntelBroker关于被盗源码和服务接入的声称。 HPE investigates claims by hacker group IntelBroker of stolen source code and service access.
Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE)正在调查一个叫IntelBroker的黑客集团的索赔要求,该黑客集团声称窃取了HPE的敏感数据,包括源码和获得各种服务的渠道。 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is investigating claims by a hacker group called IntelBroker, who alleges to have stolen sensitive data from HPE, including source code and access to various services. HPE启动了其网络响应程序,并在得知索赔后启动了调查。 HPE activated its cyber response protocols and launched an investigation after becoming aware of the claims. 没有关于个人防护设备业务受到任何业务影响或客户信息参与的证据的报告。 No operational impact to HPE's business or evidence of customer information involvement has been reported. 之前IntelBroker曾针对大型科技公司和组织. IntelBroker has previously targeted major tech companies and organizations.