HP报告揭示了终端设备在网络安全方面存在的重大缺陷,损失86亿美元。 HP report reveals major cybersecurity flaws in endpoint devices, costing $8.6 billion in losses.
HP报告强调了个人电脑、笔记本电脑和打印机等端点装置的重大网络安全问题。 HP's report highlights significant cybersecurity issues with endpoint devices, such as PCs, laptops, and printers. 主要问题包括供应商审计失败、BIOS密码薄弱以及害怕更新,导致86亿美元的丢失或被盗设备。 Major problems include supplier audit failures, weak BIOS passwords, and fear of updating, leading to $8.6 billion in lost or stolen devices. 报告还发现,79%的信息技术决策者承认在硬件和企业软件安全方面存在知识差距。 The report also found that 79% of IT decision makers admit to knowledge gaps in hardware and firmware security. 各组织往往没有将信息技术安全纳入硬件采购,从而在设备生命周期的每个阶段都面临安全风险。 Organizations often fail to involve IT security in hardware procurement, risking security at every stage of the device's lifecycle.