CVS 集团遭遇网络攻击,导致运营中断和 IT 系统暂时关闭。 CVS Group experienced a cyber attack, causing operational disruption and temporary IT system shutdown.
兽医巨头 CVS 集团报告称,在一次网络攻击中,其有限数量的 IT 系统遭到未经授权的外部访问,导致“严重的运营中断”。 Veterinary giant CVS Group reported "considerable operational disruption" after a cyber attack involving unauthorized external access to a limited number of its IT systems. 该公司在全球拥有约 500 家兽医诊所,员工人数达 9,000 人。该公司立即采取行动,限制攻击的影响,暂时关闭其 IT 系统,以防止进一步的未经授权的访问。 The company, which operates around 500 veterinary practices worldwide and employs 9,000 staff, took immediate action to limit the impact of the attack, temporarily taking its IT systems offline to prevent further unauthorized access. 专业的第三方顾问正在调查此事,并已通知有关部门。 Specialist third-party consultants are investigating the incident, and authorities have been informed.