Gym所有者Shane Flynn因殴打妇女并秘密拍摄他人而被判处2年4个月徒刑。 Gym owner Shane Flynn sentenced to 2 years and 4 months for assaulting a woman and secretly filming others.
Shane Flynn是爱尔兰Mullingar的35岁健身房老板,因对一名妇女进行性攻击和在按摩期间秘密拍摄数十名其他上衣妇女,被判处2年4个月监禁。 Shane Flynn, a 35-year-old gym owner in Mullingar, Ireland, has been sentenced to two years and four months in prison for sexually assaulting a woman and secretly filming dozens of other women topless during massages. Flynn拥有NGS Gym和康复诊所,并承认未经同意录制录音,尽管他否认了性侵犯。 Flynn owned NGS Gym & Rehabilitation Clinic and admitted to making the recordings without consent, though he denied the sexual assault. 法官赞扬该妇女揭露了他,Flynn还必须完成性犯罪治疗方案,并被缓刑一年。 The judge praised the woman for exposing him, and Flynn must also complete a sexual offending treatment program and remain under probation for a year.