38 岁的丹尼斯·奥多诺万 (Denis O’Donovan) 因在利默里克郡绑架并性侵犯一名妇女而被判入狱 6.5 年。 38-year-old Denis O'Donovan, convicted of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman in Co Limerick, was jailed for 6.5 years.
丹尼斯·奥多诺万 (Denis O’Donovan) 是一名“危险的性侵犯者”,因在利默里克郡绑架并性侵犯一名妇女而被判入狱 6.5 年。 Denis O'Donovan, a "dangerous sexual predator," was jailed for 6.5 years after being convicted of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman in Co Limerick. 奥多诺万现年 38 岁,是来自蒂珀雷里郡多诺希尔巴利瑞安的一名父亲,他对五项刑事指控表示不认罪,但最终被判犯有四项罪名,包括非法监禁和两项性侵犯。 O'Donovan, 38, a father from Ballyryan, Donohill, Co Tipperary, pleaded not guilty to five criminal offences but was found guilty of four, including false imprisonment and two counts of sexual assault. 法官暂缓执行他最后六个月的刑期。 The judge suspended the final six months of his sentence.