Shane McGovern因强奸一名18岁少年而被判处4年徒刑,并有前科。 Shane McGovern sentenced to four years for raping an 18-year-old, with prior convictions.
Shane McGovern, 31岁,来自爱尔兰Monaghan, 被判处4年监禁,罪名是强奸他在酒吧外碰面并被邀请回家的一名18岁少年。 Shane McGovern, a 31-year-old from Monaghan, Ireland, was sentenced to four years in prison for raping an 18-year-old he met outside a bar and invited home. 立即报案的受害人现在患有焦虑症和信任问题。 The victim, who reported the crime immediately, now suffers from anxiety and trust issues. McGovern认罪,并有24人之前被定罪。 McGovern pleaded guilty and has 24 prior convictions. 法官如果在缓刑处工作两年,则在刑期的最后12个月暂停服刑。 The judge suspended the last 12 months of his sentence if he engages with the Probation Service for two years.