Sweet Cream 因潜在的沙门氏菌污染而召回烘焙食品,冒着患上严重疾病的风险。 Sweet Cream recalls baked goods due to potential salmonella contamination, risking serious illness.
据加拿大食品检验局称,由于潜在的沙门氏菌污染,Sweet Cream 烘焙食品已被召回。 Sweet Cream baked goods have been recalled due to potential salmonella contamination, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. 建议消费者不要食用受影响的产品,包括迷你糕点和其他烘焙食品,并退回它们以获得退款。 Consumers are advised not to eat the affected products, which include mini patisseries and other baked items, and to return them for a refund. 沙门氏菌可导致严重疾病,但到目前为止尚未报告病例。 Salmonella can cause serious illness, but no cases have been reported so far.