萨斯喀彻温省因存在沙门氏菌风险而召回某些鸡蛋,影响了 Compliments、Harman、Star Egg 和 No Name 品牌。 Saskatchewan recalls certain eggs due to salmonella risk, affecting Compliments, Harman, Star Egg, and No Name brands.
由于存在沙门氏菌风险,萨斯喀彻温省召回了某些鸡蛋。 Saskatchewan recalls certain eggs due to salmonella risk. 四个鸡蛋品牌——Compliments、Harman、Star Egg 和 No Name——受到此次召回的影响。 Four egg brands - Compliments, Harman, Star Egg, and No Name - are affected by the recall. 受污染的鸡蛋可能不会出现或闻起来变质。 Contaminated eggs may not appear or smell spoiled. 加拿大食品检验局正在调查并警告说,虽然健康的人可能会出现轻微症状,但幼儿、孕妇、老年人和免疫系统较弱的人可能会面临严重的、有时是致命的感染。 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is investigating and warns that while healthy people may experience minor symptoms, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems could face serious, sometimes deadly infections.