中心考虑派遣检查员前往意大利调查与加拿大糕点有关的沙门氏菌爆发。 CFIA considers sending inspectors to Italy to investigate salmonella outbreak linked to Canadian pastries.
加拿大食品检查署(CFIA)正在评估是否派遣检查员前往意大利,调查与甜奶油品牌微型商店有关的沙门氏菌爆发事件,加拿大至少有61人因此而生病。 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is assessing whether to send inspectors to Italy to investigate a salmonella outbreak linked to Sweet Cream brand mini-pastries, which has sickened at least 61 people in Canada. 一些省份召回过这些糕点。 The pastries have been recalled in several provinces. 金融分析局将考虑一些因素,如该产品在加拿大的销售范围,以及意大利官员在决定检查之前给予的合作。 The CFIA will consider factors such as the extent of the product's distribution in Canada and cooperation from Italian officials before deciding on the inspection. 该机构旨在调查消毒和食品处理规程,以确定污染源。 The agency aims to investigate sanitization and food handling protocols to determine the source of contamination.