由于可能感染李斯特菌,爱尔兰召回了克里西饼干和奶油奶酪饼. Ireland recalls Chrissy's Cookies & Cream Cheesecake due to potential Listeria contamination.
爱尔兰食品安全局因可能感染李斯特菌而召回了克里西的饼干和奶油奶酪蛋糕. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has recalled Chrissy's Cookies & Cream Cheesecake due to potential Listeria contamination. 受影响的批次有代码337,使用日期为12/19/24。 The affected batch has a code 337 and a use-by date of 12/19/24. 建议消费者,特别是孕妇、婴儿和免疫系统薄弱的消费者不要吃该产品,因为Listeria可能会造成严重的健康问题。 Consumers are advised not to eat the product, especially pregnant women, babies, and those with weak immune systems, as Listeria can cause severe health issues. 零售商被要求将批量从货架上移走。 Retailers are asked to remove the batch from shelves.