超过 60 起与 Sweet Cream 迷你糕点有关的沙门氏菌病例导致加拿大召回。 Over 60 salmonella cases linked to Sweet Cream mini pastries lead to a recall in Canada.
加拿大有 60 多例沙门氏菌病例,包括 17 例住院病例,与 Sweet Cream 品牌的迷你糕点有关。 Over 60 cases of salmonella, including 17 hospitalizations, have been linked to Sweet Cream brand mini pastries in Canada. 在面包店、酒店和餐馆销售的受影响产品已被召回。 The affected products, distributed in bakeries, hotels, and restaurants, have been recalled. 病例跨越多个省份,患者年龄从 3 岁到 88 岁不等,其中 61% 是女性。 Cases span several provinces, with patients ranging from three to 88 years old, and 61% being female. 此次召回涵盖保质期为 2025 年 6 月 17 日至 11 月 15 日的盒子和托盘。 The recall covers boxes and trays with best before dates from June 17 to November 15, 2025. 沙门氏菌的症状包括发烧、呕吐和腹泻,对于弱势群体来说可能更严重。 Salmonella symptoms include fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, and can be more severe for vulnerable groups. 案件仍在调查中。 The investigation is ongoing. 此外,还有一起单独的与沙门氏菌相关的鸡蛋召回。 Additionally, there has been a separate salmonella-related egg recall.