研究发现皮质醇水平在醒来前上升 与身体的时钟相关 而不仅仅是清醒压力 Study finds cortisol levels rise before waking, linked to body's clock, not just waking stress.
布里斯托尔大学的一项新研究 质疑这个想法 即“压力荷尔蒙”皮质醇 只有在我们醒来时才会尖峰。 A new study from the University of Bristol challenges the idea that the "stress hormone" cortisol spikes only when we wake up. 研究人员发现皮质醇含量在醒来前上升 这表明我们身体的内部时钟 而不是醒来后的压力 Researchers found cortisol levels rise before waking, suggesting a link to our body's internal clock rather than stress from waking. 该研究测量了200多人的皮质醇含量,表明皮质醇含量更多地受到我们身体的自然日常节奏的影响,而不是受到醒来本身的行为的影响。 The study, which measured cortisol in over 200 people, shows that cortisol levels are influenced more by our body's natural daily rhythm than by the act of waking up itself.