北极气温上升增加了土著猎人中的动物传染病风险。 Rising Arctic temperatures increase zoonotic infection risks among Indigenous hunters.
加拿大医学协会杂志最近的一项审查强调,加拿大北极地区动物传染病的风险日益增加,这与土著饮食习惯和气候变化相关联。 A recent review in the Canadian Medical Association Journal highlights the growing risk of zoonotic infections in the Canadian Arctic, linked to Indigenous dietary habits and climate change. 该条强调必须将因努伊特人传统知识与现代医疗实践相结合,以了解和减轻这些健康风险。 The article stresses the importance of integrating Inuit Traditional Knowledge with modern medical practices to understand and mitigate these health risks. 温暖的温度和变化的生态系统正在通过狩猎和准备动物皮类等活动增加疾病接触,这突出表明需要采取整体保健办法。 Warmer temperatures and changing ecosystems are increasing the exposure to diseases through activities like hunting and preparing animal skins, underscoring the need for a holistic health approach.