由于与气候变化和生物多样性丧失有关的生态系统中断,大流行性频率上升。 Pandemic frequency rises due to ecosystem disruptions linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
本条审查了流行病日益频繁的情况,将其与人类引起的对生态系统的破坏,特别是气候变化和生物多样性的丧失联系起来。 The article examines the rising frequency of pandemics, linking them to human-induced disruptions in ecosystems, particularly climate change and biodiversity loss. 健康的生态系统管理疾病,但其退化增加了病原体出现的风险。 Healthy ecosystems regulate diseases, but their degradation increases the risk of pathogen emergence. 例子包括由于带病物种生境扩大而导致疾病蔓延。 Examples include the spread of diseases due to expanded habitats for disease-carrying species. 采取“地球健康”办法,注重人类和自然系统之间的相互联系,对于预防今后的大流行病至关重要。 Adopting a "planetary health" approach, which focuses on the interconnectedness of human and natural systems, is essential for preventing future pandemics.