核能经验重新出现,正在建造70+千兆瓦的核电,重点是较安全的小型反应堆。 Nuclear power experiences resurgence with 70+ gigawatts under construction, focusing on safer small reactors.
截至2025年,核能正在出现复苏,全球正在建设70多千兆瓦的新能力。 As of 2025, nuclear power is experiencing a resurgence, with over 70 gigawatts of new capacity under construction globally. 更安全和更可靠的小型组合式反应堆正在获得牵引力,在亚马逊和谷歌等技术巨人中尤其如此。 Small modular reactors (SMRs), which are safer and more reliable, are gaining traction, especially among tech giants like Amazon and Google. 目前正在努力对诸如海港和车辆充电站等基础设施进行电气化,欧盟规定到2030年向船舶提供岸上电力。 Efforts to electrify infrastructure, such as seaports and vehicle charging stations, are underway, with the EU mandating onshore power for ships by 2030. 此外,能源生产和用水之间的关系正在成为一个关键重点,采取了使基础设施标准化和促进氢气作为解决办法的举措。 Additionally, the relationship between energy production and water use is becoming a critical focus, with initiatives to standardize infrastructure and promote hydrogen as a solution.