印度计划到2070年部署40-50个小型组合式核反应堆,目标是实现净零排放。 India plans to deploy 40-50 small modular nuclear reactors by 2070, aiming at net-zero emissions.
印度计划到2070年部署40-50个小型模块化核反应堆,作为其实现净零排放目标的一部分。 India plans to deploy 40-50 small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) by 2070, as part of its goal to achieve net-zero emissions. 重新设计的加压重水反应堆将创建Bharat小型模块反应堆,这是原子能部与Tata咨询工程师之间的一项协作。 The redesigned Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) will create the Bharat Small Modular Reactor, a collaboration between the Department of Atomic Energy and Tata Consulting Engineers. 能在不适合大型发电厂的地点安装SMR,这些SMR可以在工厂内建造,每台电力容量可达300MWe,为能源转型阶段和应对气候变化做出重大贡献. SMRs, which can be factory-built and have a power capacity of up to 300 MWe per unit, can be set up at locations unsuitable for larger plants, making a significant contribution to the energy transition phase and combating climate change.