阿联酋总统会见了阿富汗内政部长,讨论随着囚犯交换而开展合作的问题。 UAE President meets Afghan Interior Minister to discuss cooperation, as prisoner exchanges occur.
阿联酋总统在阿布扎比会见了阿富汗内政部长,讨论了最近的事态发展和加强双边合作的途径,重点是阿富汗的重建和稳定。 The UAE President met with Afghanistan's Interior Minister in Abu Dhabi to discuss recent developments and ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation, focusing on Afghanistan's reconstruction and stability. 阿富汗部长赞扬阿联酋提供人道主义援助。 The Afghan minister praised the UAE's humanitarian assistance. 此外,38名阿富汗移民从巴基斯坦监狱获释,塔利班和美国之间发生了囚犯交换,其中一名阿富汗人涉及4名美国释放。 Additionally, 38 Afghan immigrants were released from Pakistani prisons, and a prisoner exchange occurred between the Taliban and the US, involving four American releases for one Afghan individual.