在特朗普宣誓就职前,拜登以威胁和袭击为由赦免了五名家庭成员。 Biden pardons five family members, citing threats and attacks, before Trump's inauguration.
Joe Biden在其作为总统的最后行为中,在唐纳德·特朗普就职前赦免了五名家庭成员,包括其兄弟姐妹及其配偶。 In his final act as president, Joe Biden pardoned five family members, including his siblings and their spouses, just before Donald Trump's inauguration. Biden引用针对其家庭的“无休止的攻击和威胁”作为理由,强调赦免并非承认不法行为。 Biden cited "unrelenting attacks and threats" aimed at his family as the reason, stressing the pardons were not admissions of wrongdoing. 这一行动被视为防范即将上任的特朗普政府可能进行法律审查的预防措施。 The move was seen as a precaution against potential legal scrutiny from the incoming Trump administration.