加拿大妇女游行在寒冷的气候下凸显了权利问题, Women's marches in Canada highlight rights issues amid cold temperatures, showing solidarity post-Roe v. Wade.
加拿大里贾纳和萨斯卡通(Regina和Saskatoon)数百人参加了妇女游行,尽管气温为25摄氏度,重点是妇女和性别多样化的权利。 Hundreds joined Women's Marches in Regina and Saskatoon, Canada, despite -25 C temperatures, focusing on women's and gender-diverse rights. 游行突显了失踪土著妇女、亲密伴侣暴力、生殖权利等议题, 在Roe诉Wade案废除后, The marches highlighted issues like missing Indigenous women, intimate partner violence, and reproductive rights, showing solidarity with the U.S. following the Roe v. Wade repeal. 在萨斯卡通,游行者还为经期权益组织 Moon Time Connections 筹集捐款。 In Saskatoon, marchers also collected donations for Moon Time Connections, a period equity group.