数百人在澳大利亚巴拉拉特游行抗议性别暴力和支持妇女权利。 Hundreds marched in Ballarat, Australia, to protest gender-based violence and support women's rights.
数百人在澳大利亚巴拉拉特游行反对性别暴力, 庆祝联合国妇女署领导的16天活动运动开始。 Hundreds marched in Ballarat, Australia, against gender-based violence, marking the start of the 16 Days of Activism campaign led by UN Women. 活动的目的是提高觉悟并倡导妇女权利, 参与者带着「结束家庭暴力」等标志。 The event, following recent local tragedies, aimed to raise awareness and advocate for women's rights, with participants carrying signs like "end family violence." 该游行突出了巴拉拉特社区饱和模式,这是打击暴力的新举措,并呼吁增加资源支持这些努力。 The march highlighted the Ballarat Community Saturation Model, a new initiative to combat violence, and called for increased resources to support such efforts.