西雅图人民游行吸引数百人, 重点是正义、平等和人权。 People's March draws hundreds in Seattle, focusing on justice, equality, and human rights.
数以百计的人聚集在西雅图参加人民游行,以前称为妇女游行,倡导正义、平等和人权。 Hundreds gathered in Seattle for the People's March, formerly known as the Women's March, advocating for justice, equality, and human rights. 包括Pramila Jayapal代表在内的发言者在西雅图中心游行结束前,在Cal Anderson公园向人群讲话。 Speakers including Representative Pramila Jayapal addressed the crowd at Cal Anderson Park before the march concluded at Seattle Center. 全国各地也举行了类似的活动,与会者为生殖权利、环境保护和男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者权利等问题聚集一堂。 Similar events took place across the country, with participants rallying for issues such as reproductive rights, environmental protections, and LGBTQ rights.