肯塔基州的教师将60天的病假捐给有生病新生儿的同事。 Teachers in Kentucky donate 60 days of sick leave to a colleague with a sick newborn.
肯塔基州Boone县学校区的教师将60天病假捐赠给同事Colleen McGrath, 后者的早产儿子在NICU。 Teachers in Kentucky's Boone County School District donated 60 days of their sick leave to a colleague, Colleen McGrath, whose prematurely born son is in the NICU. McGrath需要休息时间来照顾她的儿子 她的医生建议她这么做 McGrath needed time off to care for her son, as advised by her doctor. 她要求在脸书上寻求帮助,她的同事在48小时内作出答复,确保她可以请假,而不会失去就业福利。 She asked for help on Facebook, and her colleagues responded within 48 hours, ensuring she could take the time off without losing employment benefits.