印度的教师错误地准予产假,引发社会媒体辩论和调查。 Teacher in India mistakenly granted maternity leave, sparking social media debate and an investigation.
印度比哈尔(Bihar)的一名男教师因在线休假系统中的技术故障错误地获得了一周的产假。 A male teacher in Bihar, India, mistakenly received a week of maternity leave due to a technical glitch in the online leave system. 导致社交媒体大吵大闹的错误引起了调查。 The error, which caused buzz on social media, has prompted an investigation. 当局澄清说,虽然男子可以休陪产假,但产假只对妇女适用。 Authorities clarified that maternity leave is for women only, though men can take paternity leave. Bihar最近更新了其规则,以包括有子女的女雇员通过代孕休产假,以及委托父亲休陪产假。 Bihar recently updated its rules to include maternity leave for women employees with children via surrogacy and paternity leave for the commissioning father.